Saturday, July 25, 2009

Forever can bring you down

So, God has given me some pretty amazing opportunities lately. Some at which I wonder if I truly deserve. It's weird when God takes away all you're comfort, you're foundation of feeling like you belong. I would get annoyed and angry, I mean, I did. Just when you think you've lost everything, God takes the opportunity to grab another comfort you, you forgot to be thankful for. THEN you get more angry and annoyed than before. I let my faith and hope in him fade. I put my faith and hope in things and people that, that just can't reach God's understanding. God knew all along I would be back, he knew I would get tired of running and hiding for so long. I feel he let me go through things to make Trinity stronger. To make that childish Trinity, the one who climbs trees and collects worms, an independent and more grown up Trinity. BUT I feel like the main lesson here for Trinity to learn was... God: "Trinity put you're faith and devoted love to me, for people will fail you. BUT me, God, I will never leave you, I will always be there for you, forever." 

love, trinity

Monday, June 15, 2009

Where the yellow brick road ends

What if God just told you all that you needed to know, how much easier would life be? I mean those times he puts you through lessons and meanings that make you that much stronger, but what if you're not totally sure as to what lesson you should be learning? You're probably thinking well, what do you feel, the lesson can't be that difficult to find. Some days I feel just fine with it, other days somewhat sad and angry, I tend to switch day after day. What if people told you to just plainly follow the yellow brick road, it can't go on forever, what do you do when, when the yellow brick road ends?

I feel somewhat color blind right now. Am I truly on the yellow brick road, I know I'm on a road that's for sure. The cars speed by and I can hear the echoes of all the different songs that make me feel all kinds of things. What if this whole time I wasn't here, here on the yellow brick road. What if, the road I was walking on, wasn't a road at all. But, only a long gravel driveway, a driveway to a house or a dead end to absolutely nowhere.

That's how I've felt for the past few months, but now, I know for sure I AM ON THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD! Ever since I've let go of people and things that bring me down and make me feel confused and completely emotionally drained, I don't feel so sad anymore. I FEEL, FREE! The kind where I can walk the brick road alone or with someone amazing. BUT no worries, there's always someone on my side, someone who NEVER forgets. God has been treating me like a princess lately. He has brought amazing people and friends into my life that I have never dreamed possible. They are absolutely awesome. I've also learned so much through Him, all that he has put me through, I AM ONE STRONG TRINITY. One that will no longer be fooled with forever, one that will not love too deeply someone or something that is not good for her.

There's so much more, but I tend to think the only one that really matters and cares about exactly how I feel and what I've learned, He already knows. HE KNOWS JUST HOW HAPPY I AM TOO. (Stop it Trinity, no need to ramble.) ramble, I never ramble.
The Yellow Brick Road may end, but if you stand there and do nothing... you may be stuck there at the dead end, forever. OH HEY LOOK, THE NEXT PART OF THE ROAD IS JUST ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS RIVER! Cross it. No matter the wave length, no matter how high the biggest wave, YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN MAKE IT!
(swim suit, or no swimsuit, you'll do just fine.)

Love, Trinity, i mean, Trinity

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

I could just sit and write pages and pages worth of someone that meant a lot to me, but i wont. I've written about them for far too long now. I want to start this blogging for another reason, a reason that is more than worth every word, every sentence, every emotion. I want to write about something i tend to forget about most of these days, the one feelings that can make your day a little bit better; hope. I can't write about the past, about those certain friends i've lost, about the amazing things/people and ideas i had realized i had, after i lost them. I won't write about those things in here. I'll try to keep it more on the up side, because when i write about sad things, i don't always turn out happy in the end. Maybe writing about hopeful and good things can help me get by a little bit easier? I'll try it.

I know their out there, dancing, singing and making corny jokes. The people who understand and can read a heart that doesn't always open up too easily. The kind that love as I love and nothing less. (I would say more, but, is there more?) I can feel a change already, kinda, the feeling is there, but the reality of it all is still locked within the start line. I wonder just how happy someone can get? I mean what truly makes people happy? I honestly, could not tell you. What makes, me, Trinity, happy... God show me! How much easier would life be with someone who can listen AND understand you too, awesome. The group that does everything together and calls everyone by nickname. WHAT IF I FOUND PEOPLE AS CORNY AS ME... would i be happy? This probably sounds beyond ridiculous, but, it's me, and a lot of people don't truly know the deepest core of Trinity anyways. Let's make this happy, I have let go of all those who have brought me down emotionally, I have taken the first steps, and when i find them, I will be...

Love, i mean love, Trinity